
«A number of projects materialized as a result of our work together and whereby the firm’s lawyers demonstrated a high standard in the legal services provided, as well as efficiency in resolving the tasks in hand. The distinguishing features of lawyers at Khrenov and Partners which set the firm apart from others are competence and professionalism as well as an individually tailored approach to find solutions».

A. Fedotova, Deputy Chairman of Srednerussky Bank of Sberbank Russia

«We recommend Khrenov & Partners as a reliable and stable business partner».

R. Kvitko, Head of Legal issues directorate of Gazprom Neft

«The lawyers at Khrenov & Partners have the capacity to gain a deep understanding of the tasks they have been set and to find the right solutions aimed at yielding maximum results».

L. Podolskaya, Deputy general director of corporate management at Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the Centre and Volga Region

«In particular in our joint work, most of our dealings are with lawyers who are experts in arbitration and international private practice and of whose performance we have only the best impression» .

A. Linenko, Head of Treaty and Legal Management Contract Work at Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant

Since 2005, when IDGC Urals was established as part of reforms to Russia's electrical energy sector, the firm has enjoyed a successful working relationship with Khrenov & Partners, in particular concerning the handling of highly significant lawsuits involving disputes. Complex legal confrontations have been successfully settled with the direct involvement of the firm's lawyers and which in turn set precedents for the entire electrical energy sector. One of the high profile projects handled by the firm deserves mention for the successful representation of IDGS Urals' interests before the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, in a dispute with consumers on "last mile" issues (final leg in the electricity supply chain). The matter in question was the first case under this category of disputes to be deliberated by the presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Cpurt of the Russian Federation and in turn had a substantial impact on the further development of the court practice in such matters.

"In providing us with legal services, the firm’s experts gave a good account of themselves as dependable professionals in the fields of civil and corporate law, as well as electrical energy".

L. Akimov, Director of Legal department at Rosseti

"The legal services from this firm in the field of tax consulting and representation in tax disputes are carried out on a highly professional level".

V. Vasiliev, Vice President for taxation at Lukoil

‘Central Suburban Passenger Company’ recommends ‘Khrenov and Partners’ as a reliable legal consultant providing full support given the specifics of railway transportation industry as well as providing legal advice on tariff regulation issues. 'Khrenov and Partners’ successfully represented our interests in courts. Lawyers, in collaboration with our leadership, are able to find creative legal solutions, some of which are precedent setting solutions.

‘Khrenov and Partners’ are highly skilled professionals who efficiently and effectively provide legal assistance in various areas.

M. Dyakonov, Executive Director of ‘Central Suburban Passenger Company’

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