21 July 2020
It is proposed to fine noisy neighbors in the amounts of up to tens of thousands of rubles. A draft law has been brought before the State Duma, and the deputies will discuss it during the autumn session. According to Anatoly Vyborny, one of the authors of the law and the member of the State Duma Security Committee, the specific sanctions will be discussed when the document passes the second reading. The deputies plan to make this law a federal legislation. And the owners of the apartments will be held responsible for noisy tenants.
There is an article on noise in the Administrative Code of Moscow City. It prohibits noisy behavior from 11 pm to 7 am and renovation works on Sundays and public holidays. The fine for individuals may amount to 1 thousand to 2 thousand rubles. But as to practice, even the existing legislation is not effective, Roman Belanov, a lawyer with Khrenov&Partners, says. And the new law proposed by the State Duma will not help.
“There is a Noise Law of Moscow City, but as I see it is not effective. The police officers who are in charge of drawing up protocols and prosecuting violators are supposed to get the job done in full, it should be a common thing. They just don’t do that. And if there is another ineffective federal legislation, nothing will change. So, the idea is quite positive, and it may look perfect on paper. But it will never work, if nothing that exists now is working. The law does not regulate its own enforcement. The law must be made clear in a manner that it does not need any extra explanations. If these criteria are not included, then the law will not be efficient. I realize that it is very hard to make the law clear, but I suppose it’s the task for the lawmakers. They should think, put things on paper, organize commissions”.
The full article is available here (in Russian).